Make 2022 a Year of Adventure

Here we are. We’ve arrived at a new year.


Can you believe it?

Travel and tourism have certainly taken a hit during the last few years, but if the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that we should go. Because we can’t know what the next day, month, or even year has in store for us.

In that spirit, let’s make 2022 a year for adventure—a year for pushing boundaries and stepping outside of our comfort zones. 

Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Try something new.

Seek out something that challenges you. Maybe it even scares you. That mile-long walk that you know like the back of your hand? Do it at night under a full moon. Use a headlamp, and then, if you’re comfortable, turn it off. See how much different the experience is. 

If you’re a runner or a cyclist, sign up for a race. Already participate in races? Tackle a longer distance. 

Be spontaneous.

Not every adventure has to be meticulously planned down to the minute. Take it slow, choose a destination close to your home, and enjoy being there. Leave the pressure and the expectations behind and enjoy the moment.

Be brave enough to fail at something new.

I know, I know. Nobody wants to fail. But you never really fail if you try. You might not be that great. And that’s okay. We can’t be great at everything, but what we can do is enjoy it. So, ride the bike, throw a pot, jump out of a plane, try whatever interests you.

Make new friends.

Talk to people when you’re adventuring, whether in another state, another country, or the next town over. Opening yourself up to others means opening yourself up to diverse perspectives. And locals always have the best intel about their city. 

Consider traveling solo.

There are many times that if I’d waited for someone to come with me, I’d still be sitting in my living room. Just go! It can be intimidating, but I promise you that if you take the plunge, you’ll find the experience liberating. Do what you want, when you want. All decisions are based solely on your wants and desires.

Travel somewhere new.

Again, you don’t have to leave the country or even the state. Consider exploring your hometown. Look at it as a tourist would. Or go to the next town over. Visit a museum, try a new restaurant, take a yoga class; the possibilities are endless.

I hope that you travel well and try new things in 2022.

Let’s all have a year of adventure!