To say that 2020 was a stressful year is an understatement. Many of us are looking forward to a less chaotic year in 2021 by making stress-reduction and relaxation a priority. Maybe you’ve been thinking of taking a few yoga classes or beginning a meditation practice. These are great options, and both have proven physical […]
Trippin Out
Roam From Home

Most spring break plans were a bust, and summer vacation is still up in the air. What’s a traveler to do in this strange season? In the spirit of turning lemons into lemonade, now is the time to get creative and roam from home. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Take a […]
Why You Should Make Travel a Priority in 2020

Travel has changed my life for the better in many, often unexpected, ways. For me, getting out and exploring new destinations is exhilarating; there’s nothing more exciting or rewarding than discovering a new place. People have their own reasons to travel and their own styles. Some travel with reckless abandon, living in the moment, being […]
Five Life Lessons Learned Hiking the Grand Canyon

The benefits of hiking are many. Physically, it’s excellent exercise, offering both cardiovascular benefits and muscle strengthening. Mentally, venturing outside and immersing oneself in nature is a proven stress buster. And no one can take in a panoramic view, listen to churning water as it tumbles over rocks, or gaze upon a field full of […]
Declutter Your Mind on the Trail

It’s February! The warm fuzzy feelings of December have been traded for winter’s bitter cold, kale, and guilt. Decluttering has become all the rage, and #konmari is trending. I’m all for cleaning out those closets, but why not take some time to declutter your mind? A cleanse for your soul. The trail is the perfect place for […]