TEN Family fun all year long! That’s right, all year long! There are twelve months in a year ergo 12 First Fridays. December? City Tree Lighting and Christmas decorations. March? Nonprofit Organizations come out. Summer brings enormous crowds, but do yourself a favor and check out some of the other seasons as well. NINE Great […]
Month: April 2019
World’s Longest Yard Sale: 8 Reasons to Start in Gadsden, Al.

The World’s Longest Yard Sale is always the first weekend of August. It starts on Friday, but you’ll find plenty of vendors set up throughout Gadsden, Al. earlier in the week. Here are eight more reasons to start in Gadsden, Al. EIGHT: You can take a selfie at the World’s Biggest Selfie Station! SEVEN: You can purchase […]
Enchanted Rock – Hiking In Texas Hill Country

Today I was scared. After spending an incredible weekend with 600 like-minded women at the inaugural Women Who Wander Outdoor Retreat, I can’t resist an overnight stay in Fredericksburg, Texas, on the way home to see the spectacular wildflower display. They say it’s the best in ten years. They’re not lying. The Willow City Loop offers jaw-dropping displays […]